18 Other Ways to Say I just wanted to follow up

Are you attempting to determine if something is feasible but find yourself needing to inquire first? Maybe you’re concerned that ...

Are you attempting to determine if something is feasible but find yourself needing to inquire first?

Maybe you’re concerned that the phrase “I just wanted to follow up” might not be the most professional way to ascertain if an action can be undertaken.


Well, you’ve come to the right place to find out more.”

This article will show you how to professionally say “I just wanted to follow up” when you need it.

Other Ways to Say “I just wanted to follow up”

When it comes to following up on a matter, it’s essential to choose your words carefully to convey professionalism and effectiveness. Here are 18 alternative phrases to effectively convey the message of following up:

1. “I wanted to check in”
2. “I am circling back on this”
3. “I am coming back to this”
4. “I wanted to touch base”
5. “I am pursuing an update”
6. “I am revisiting this”
7. “I am keeping this on my radar”
8. “I wanted to reconnect on this”
9. “I am following up on this”
10. “I wanted to remind you”
11. “I am bringing this to your attention again”
12. “I wanted to bring this back to the forefront”
13. “I am renewing my interest in this”
14. “I wanted to reignite the conversation about this”
15. “I am revisiting this topic”
16. “I am looping back on this”
17. “I wanted to request an update on this”
18. “I am resurfacing this issue”

Using any of these phrases will convey your message in a professional and effective manner, ensuring clear communication and follow-up on the matter at hand.

Choosing the Right Structure and Tone

When it comes to professional communication, the structure and tone of your message are crucial. Here are some tips for choosing the right structure and tone when following up on a matter:

Direct and Clear:

It’s essential to be direct and clear in your communication. Avoid using ambiguous language or beating around the bush. State the purpose of your follow-up clearly and concisely.

Professional and Polite:

Maintain a professional and polite tone in your message. Use courteous language and respectful phrasing to convey your request for follow-up.


Structure your message to be action-oriented. Clearly indicate what action or response you are seeking with your follow-up.

By choosing the right structure and tone, you can ensure that your follow-up communication is professional, effective, and well-received.

FAQs about Professional Follow-Up

What should I consider before sending a follow-up email?

Before sending a follow-up email, consider the timing, relevance, and importance of the matter. Ensure that your follow-up is necessary and appropriate.

How soon should I follow up on a matter?

The timing of a follow-up largely depends on the urgency and importance of the matter. In general, wait a reasonable amount of time before following up, ensuring that you don’t come across as overly pushy or impatient.

What if I don’t receive a response to my follow-up?

If you don’t receive a response to your initial follow-up, consider sending a polite and respectful reminder. However, avoid bombarding the recipient with excessive follow-ups.

Professional Follow-Up Tips

Be Courteous and Respectful:

Maintain a courteous and respectful tone in your follow-up communication. Avoid being pushy or aggressive, and always use polite language.

Provide Context:

When following up, provide relevant context or reference points to remind the recipient of the previous communication. This can help prompt a response or action.

Offer Assistance:

In your follow-up, offer assistance or additional information if relevant. This can demonstrate your willingness to collaborate and provide support.


Following up on a matter professionally is essential for effective communication and progress. By choosing the right phrases, structure, and tone, you can ensure that your follow-up communication is clear, professional, and well-received. Incorporating the tips and alternative phrases provided in this article can elevate your follow-up communication and contribute to successful outcomes.

Remember to consider the timing and relevance of your follow-up, and always maintain a courteous and respectful approach. By doing so, you can navigate professional follow-up with confidence and professionalism.

We hope that this article has equipped you with the tools and insights to handle “I just wanted to follow up” and similar expressions with professionalism and effectiveness. If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with your network and colleagues. Thank you for reading!

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