17 Other Ways to Say Please see attached

Are you uncertain about how to inquire if something is feasible? Perhaps you’re seeking a more professional alternative to the ...

Are you uncertain about how to inquire if something is feasible? Perhaps you’re seeking a more professional alternative to the phrase “Please see attached.”


Well, you’ve come to the right place to find out more.

Other Ways to Say “Please see attached”

When it comes to professional communication, it’s important to choose your words carefully. This article will provide you with a variety of alternatives to the phrase “Please see attached,” allowing you to express yourself more effectively and efficiently in various contexts.

1. Enclosed/Attached

Instead of saying “Please see attached,” you can simply use the words “Enclosed” or “Attached” to convey the same message.

2. Included is

You can also use “Included is” to indicate that the accompanying document or item is included with the message.

3. Here is/Here are

“Here is” or “Here are” are straightforward and polite ways to introduce the attached content.

4. Find the (document/item) attached

This phrase provides a clear instruction to the recipient to locate the attached document or item.

5. The (document/item) is included

By using this phrase, you inform the recipient that the document or item is included as part of the communication.

6. I have attached the (document/item)

This is a direct and professional way to inform the recipient of the attached document or item.

7. Attaching the (document/item)

You can use this phrase to straightforwardly state that the document or item is being attached to the message.

8. With this message, I am sending the (document/item)

This phrase conveys the action of sending the document or item along with the message.

9. Included with this email is the (document/item)

By using this phrase, you clearly indicate the presence of the document or item with the email.

10. The (document/item) can be found below

This phrase directs the recipient to look for the document or item in the content that follows the message.

11. For your review, I have attached the (document/item)

This phrase conveys that the document or item is provided for the recipient’s review.

12. The (document/item) accompanies this message

This phrase succinctly states that the document or item is accompanying the message.

13. Attached herewith is the (document/item)

This formal phrase is an effective way to introduce the attached document or item.

14. The (document/item) is enclosed for your perusal

This phrase is suitable for more formal communications, informing the recipient to review the enclosed document or item.

15. I am forwarding the (document/item) for your attention

This phrase indicates that the document or item is being forwarded specifically for the recipient’s attention.

16. Kindly find the (document/item) attached

This polite and clear phrase directs the recipient to locate the attached document or item.

17. Per the request, I have attached the (document/item)

This phrase conveys compliance with a request for the attached document or item.


In professional communication, the phrase “Please see attached” can be replaced with a range of alternatives that maintain politeness and clarity. By incorporating these alternative phrases into your professional correspondence, you can effectively and professionally convey the presence of attached documents or items. Remember to consider the context and tone of the communication when selecting the most appropriate alternative.

By diversifying your vocabulary and utilizing these alternative phrases, you can enhance the professionalism and clarity of your communication. Whether it’s an email, letter, or any other form of professional correspondence, choosing the right expression for attaching documents or items can greatly improve the impact of your message.

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