12 Other Ways to Say I don’t know

Are you attempting to determine if something is feasible but find yourself needing to inquire first? Maybe you’re concerned that ...

Are you attempting to determine if something is feasible but find yourself needing to inquire first?

Maybe you’re concerned that the phrase “I don’t know” might not be the most professional way to ascertain if an action can be undertaken.


Well, you’ve come to the right place to find out more.

This article will show you how to professionally say “I don’t know” when you need it.

Other Ways to Say “I Don’t Know”

When faced with uncertainty or lack of information, it’s important to know how to effectively communicate this in various situations. Whether in a professional setting, social context, or personal interactions, there are several alternative phrases that can convey the same message without using the exact words “I don’t know.” Here are twelve other ways to express uncertainty or lack of knowledge in a polite and professional manner.

1. I’m Not Entirely Sure

Instead of directly stating “I don’t know,” you can convey a similar message by saying “I’m not entirely sure.” This phrasing provides a sense of openness and willingness to explore further, maintaining a professional tone in conversations.

2. Let Me Look Into That

When confronted with a question to which you don’t have an immediate answer, expressing the intention to investigate further shows proactivity and a commitment to providing accurate information. Saying “Let me look into that” communicates your willingness to find the necessary information.

3. It’s a Bit Unclear at the Moment

Acknowledging the lack of clarity at the present moment can be a diplomatic way to communicate uncertainty. This phrase conveys that the information is not readily available or requires further analysis.

4. I Need to Double-Check

If you’re unsure about a specific detail and want to ensure accuracy before providing an answer, expressing the need to double-check conveys diligence and a commitment to delivering precise information.

5. I’ll Get Back to You on That

Acknowledging that the current moment may not be the most suitable for providing an answer, promising to follow up demonstrates respect for the inquiry and an intention to provide a well-considered response in the future.

6. That’s a Good Question

Validating the question while not having an immediate answer can be achieved by acknowledging it as a good question. This response shows appreciation for the inquiry and provides an opportunity to circle back with a more informed response.

7. I’m Still Gathering Information

When in the process of collecting data or insights before reaching a conclusion, indicating that you’re still in the process of gathering information keeps the conversation open while demonstrating a proactive approach.

8. It’s Currently Under Review

Applicable in professional contexts, this phrase conveys that the matter is being actively assessed or evaluated. It indicates that a decision or answer will be provided once the review process is complete.

9. I Haven’t Finalized That Yet

In situations where decisions haven’t been concluded or details are still being solidified, expressing that you haven’t finalized the specifics conveys a sense of transparency and honesty about the current status of the matter.

10. That’s Outside My Area of Expertise

When faced with a question that falls beyond your area of knowledge or responsibility, it’s professional to acknowledge this by stating that the topic is outside your area of expertise. This shows respect for the inquiry and directs it towards someone more suitable to address it.

11. I’m Not Privy to That Information

If the information being sought is not within your access or knowledge, articulating that you’re not privy to it provides a polite and professional way to indicate that you’re not the right source for that specific query.

12. I’m Afraid I Can’t Help with That Right Now

Expressing the inability to provide assistance at the moment due to various factors, such as time constraints or lack of relevant information, conveys a respectful acknowledgment of the situation while leaving the door open for potential future assistance.


In various professional, social, and personal settings, there are multiple ways to convey the message of uncertainty or lacking information without directly stating “I don’t know.” Employing these alternative phrases not only ensures clear communication but also maintains a professional and respectful tone in interactions. By incorporating these varied responses into your communication repertoire, you can effectively navigate situations where uncertainty arises while maintaining a positive and proactive demeanor.

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